Tuesday, January 10, 2012

don't be so full and upright for yourself dear...

hmmm..entri ni pasal....AKU....

yeah...myself..watpe cakap sal org..ni kan blog aku..

oke..back to the topic..sometimes aku rasa yg ak ni too ego..n independent..
yeah...its hardly to me for askin people to help...or give an advice..
sebab...yeah...ak sendiri takut org menolak....i'm not use to be rejected.n i might be sad.ahaha..
hell yeah..im my daddy's princess..he never decline for whatever i wish..even its hard..he's trying to fulfill it..
i love you dad..(i wish u were here right now...)
so rather than face all those feeling..im prefer to be a loner..haha..
loner?..hmmm..yeah..everything done by myself without people help..
its sickening u know..when u need to waiting others decision..blom tentu nak or x kan..so the best way...
juz go by yourself..settle...even seriously pelik..g shopping sorang2..without anyone..ade en boyfie duduk jauh2..haha..

but...when im thinking back bout it...i realize i dont get so much 'rakan' ...
ramai 'kenalan' je....
try define both of that words..u would realize what i mean..
at first i was thinking..what a purpose of rakan tu...perlu ke ramai2...
kalau ramai..berapa je yg yg sanggup susah senang ngan kita..kann?
n kalau ade ramai kawan..mampu ke kita jaga hati mereka..or drg jaga hati kita..-,-"
byk persoalan yg ade dalam minda aku nie..
and that's why i even say..i dont need so much fren..

seriously..it is wrong attitude btw..
u shouldnt be full of urself..
ape ingat ko boleh buat sume benda tanpa mengharap org lain..
ko rase kawan nie xpenting.
its wrong babe..
satu, dalam islam pon cakap kita kena ade silaturrahim antara satu sama lain..
tp ko?.hurmmm..
xkan ko xpnh rase ko sorang2 bler ade masalah...
tu pun still rase nk upright lg that u dont need anyone?
wake up...berkawan biar ramai..buat baik dengan semua..
jgn pandang rendah..even ko rase ko lg hebat..
jgn ade rasa rendah diri sgt2..masa ko rase ko tlampau rendah dari mereka..
juz jd biasa..a humble one..
jg expect lebih dari org..klu ko x mampu bagi lebih jugak.
simple..kalu ko tolong org..org akan tolong ko gak..
but..ko jgn berharap sgt...that's mean ko x ikhlas..
right..ko x pnh ade azam kan..juz try...
make a friend..not juz a mere kenalan...
n tryovercome ur ego n perangai full of urself..tu.

notakaki: ko kat cnie refers to "aku sendiri "


  1. terkena kat aku jgk ni..
    btw sorry sangat2 xdapat teman kau..
    lain kali aku janji aku teman ko nak gi mana2 pon..

  2. ceh..lek r...ak da buli abah aku suruh dtg..
